Nic pics bayside

Fun photography for families!
Family photo shoots, new babies, children's parties, special occasions.
SET PRICE - All photos on disc.

So who purchased a cheap coupon deal for photography, had the shoot, LOVED the pics and were then given the price tag of $350 per picture? Its not affordable for most families. On the other hand you can get a family member to take some photos for you but they are generally point and shoot and don't turn out the best, or you can hire a private photographer were most will charge you a minimum of $500 with a couple of photos.

I believe photos of your family and special occasions are so important, they are memories we will treasure always.

I'm offering fun, casual photos shoots at your choice of location within 5km's of Bentleigh East (surcharge will apply for outside this area) for a set price. This set price included all photos saved to disc for you so that you can print them at your leisure in whatever way you please.

For more info please Private message me or email

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